Our Story
Golf MATchanics was created to provide a more integrative approach in developing golfers, especially as they get older. Our goal is to increase muscular mobility and stability while keeping you pain free.
The founder of Golf MATchanics and co-founder of Lateral Fitness, Scott McWilliam, has been involved in the fitness industry since 2004 and been involved in sports and exercise his entire life. Scott has been fascinated with the mechanics of golf for over a decade. Scott has been developing his own golf game with help from multiple different golf pros, but all resulted in the same painful swing. He understood what he needed to do, but he couldn’t get his body to perform. He spent many hours working on different drills prescribed by the pros to “fix the problem” with no success. He always thought it was a mechanical problem, but didn’t know what to do. Each round he could feel his back throbbing and tightness in his shoulder and neck. He hung up his clubs and decided golf wasn’t for him.
Everything changed the day he found the Titleist Performance Institution Certification (TPI). TPI broke down the golf swing in way Scott could understand the short comings of his mechanics, which re-energized his passion for golf. After finding his limitation with the TPI Screen, he dove in deeper with the help of TPI Level 2 Medical Professional and as a Master Level Muscle Activation Techniques Practitioner himself, he was able to target the areas which was causing his pain when golfing.
Since Scott is a certified Strength Coach (CSCS), certified personal trainer through National Personal Training Institution and a Resistance Training Specialist, his high understandings of physics, joint motion, and tolerance allowed him to put together a training program which got his own body feeling great, with the goal not to revisit the physical ailments of the golf game.
After several months it was time to play better, so he hired a golf pro to help put it all together. The the most amazing experience with this golf pro was all the initial positions Scott wasn’t able to do in the past, was now easy. He realized it wasn’t a strength issue. It was a mobility and muscular stability issue. Now he’s able to golf every week without pain. His golf score, on the other hand, is another story ;)
MATRX Full Body internship
MATRx Foot and Hand Specialist
Muscle Activation Techniques Master Level Practitioner
Muscle Activation Techniques Specialist
Titleist Performance Institution
Titleist Performance Institution Level 2 Medical
Titleist Performance Institution Level 2 Fitness
Titleist Perfomance Institution Level 2 Power
Licensed Massage Therapist by the New School of Massage.
Certified Strength Coach (CSCS)
National Personal Training Institution (NPTI)
Resistance Training Specialist Master Level (RTSm)
Functional Movement Screen (FMS)