“The Golf MATchanics Process is so detailed. I never thought I would ever have the chance to learn my body this well! ”
“The key to my success is the isometrics positional training. ”
“I’ve been able to gain 15 yards on my ball without training!”
We work with individuals who…
We work with anyone who golfs. Ranging from the beginning ages of 12 to 100. If your goal is to moves better to play better then we are a great option.
Are looking for something new.
We are not main stream in the Golf community, YET.... One of the founding principles behind Muscle Activation Techniques <click here> is muscular tightness is secondary to weakness. By improving the neural muscular communication between the nervous system and the Muscular system in the areas that are tight, results in a more flexible body, leading to better opportunity to swing better, increase speed and power.
Want to learn their body.
Golfers who want to learn how deficiencies in their bodies’ range of motion, positional strength, and output sequencing can be the cause of their inefficient golf swing vs. the current model of just skill training.
Are process orientated and are willing to invest into their bodies
The Golf MATchanics system is a process <click here> . You many come in for a specific pain, but we build bodies from the ground up. Every new client starts with Muscle Activation Techniques Treatments, then moves into an exercise program. Clients with the best results invest roughly $800 - $1,600 a month based on what they are looking for.
Want a team approach.
Golfers who are looking to have a team approach to their over all golf health. Golf MATchanics focuses on the muscular demands of golf, NOT the skill of golf. There is a direct correlation between Muscle Activation Techniques sessions and at the improvement of the body’s ability to have more efficient muscular contraction. But new found range of motion can and will require skill to control it and harness the potential power and speed use during your golf swing.
“One’s golf swing is a solution to between what the Nervous system and Muscular system can orchestrate.”
“With new found Range of motion requires a new found responsibility. ”