
James Lawson
"I was impressed at how MSS helped me single out individual muscles and learned how my body can overwork or underwork certain muscles and how adjusting this balance can make a big difference. Before MSS I was not able to sit up straight for long periods of time without pain and was not able to get the speed/quick reaction times in ice hockey that I desired as well as holding certain positions. MSS allows me to attain the quick, explosive moves that I needed for hockey. MSS really helped me as our season moved to playoffs and I was able to hold a tighter stance with less gap between my arms and legs with is essential to being a better goaltender. I was also able to get across the crease faster and stop one timers shots more consistently. Due to these improvements I was selected for the all star team and was selected as the goaltender MVP. I would recommend MSS because unlike a traditional workout, MSS allows you to learn more about how your muscles interact and helps you improve on the mental aspect of muscle movements as well. It also helps you learn about your body and know that small imbalances can lead to more problems down the road."

Mike Perrozzi - Lower back Pain
"When I met Scott, I was a subpar trainer who was constantly having back and knee pain in my mid twenties. After going through the muscular system solutions, I have not only been pain free but also stronger than I've ever been. Not only has Scott taught me better ways to train to keep myself out of trouble, but also just how effectively his system utilizes MAT® that I have been a MAT® practitioner myself. The system literally changed my life and career path."
Cristina Gomez - Olympic Lifter plagued with injuries
was a regular client of Scott’s for 3 or 4 years in Chicago before I moved to Las Vegas. He is very knowledgeable and truly cares for his clients. I miss having my weekly MAT sessions. Scott was a big reason why I was able to stay healthy and injury free as a competitive weightlifter.

Endurance Athlete - tight hips and knees
I first met Scott when a massage therapist suggested that I see him about my nagging injuries and pain in my knees, hips, and back. As a cyclist and cross-country skier, I train a lot and my body is prone to overuse; it's also prone to compensating for injuries so I could keep training while injured. Scott's methodical technique has helped me re-activate my glutes and other major muscles in my hips and torso, and I feel healthier and more mechanically stable than I have in years.

Brian Kreider - torn Achilles and broken Clavicle
"I have been doing MAT for over 15 years and seven plus of those years with Scott. I'm in my mid 40s and have had several injuries over the course of my life. From a concussion playing high school football to an achilles rupture in my late 30s. Without MAT, I feel that my body would be worse off and directly impact my quality of life. I can some times feel an instant change after a session with Scott. This may have different results from person to person, however, I believe that anyone would have tremendous
gains going through the assessment and further working with Scott."

Claudia D -- fear of falling
I started with Scott early 2017 because I started falling on uneven surfaces and would twist an ankle. Often I recovered, but sometimes I would land on my hands, knees, or this last time, on my face. I know a couple of very happy MAT clients of Scott's and wanted to give it a shot. I understood that his clients must commit to Scott and the process of MAT™ to work. When I fell hard on my face, I decided it was to commit. I know there were A lot things contributed to my falls - past Injuries and surgeries, and the way my body adapted. Scott is working them through, To my surprise I was out of my Orthodics in a month. I now feel my feet as I step and best of all I have control. My ankles are trong! My feet and ankles are responding together when I walk on uneven surfaces and I maintain my balance. I'm so exited to not worry about falling anymore. At the beginning of each session Scott adjusts my feet and ankles, to make sure they are able and ready, before proceeding other par of the body. I am very exited to say I feel safer walking. Confidence in my feet and knees is a huge gift!

Shiela N - back and hip issues
I have been active all my life and have had many areas of nagging aches and pains. Since working with Scott and the M.A.T. technique, I have seen very positive results and feel stronger, more open and have noticeably less pain than I ever had. After taking a full assessment of my health history, Scott has been able to determine how to alleviate pain in certain areas by working on other parts of the body which have been contributing to the problem. He has focused on loosening and strengthening areas of my body that have never been addressed before and in ways that I have never experienced before, which has made a huge difference in how I feel. I just want to continue to hike, bike, swim, ski and pick up my grandchildren for as long as I can, and by working with Scott, I am optimistic that I will be able to do that for many years to come!

Greg Ostefeld - Long Distance runner and biker
I began seeing Scott for MAT about five years ago because I was having recurring pain in my neck, back, and legs related to running and other exercise. I try to be active, and the pain was really starting to interfere with my ability to participate in and enjoy my favorite activities. Seeing him has been very helpful. I see him every week to a couple of weeks, and 90% of the time he is able to identify the source of and do something to help with my aches and pains, keeping me on my feet and happily active with a lot less pain both when I'm exercising and in my day-to-day life. Scott also recommends helpful exercises I can do myself at home, to help me experience fewer symptoms and help me go longer between sessions. I would definitely recommend MAT to others, and Scott is the practitioner I would recommend.

Matt Ahearn - Chronic Lower Back Pain
“I started doing MAT with Scott about 10 years ago. As an avid weightlifter and golfer I had suffered from chronic lower back pain since high school that would routinely put me out for weeks at a time when I had a flare up. Over the years I tried everything – injections, physical therapy, pills, and even an invasive disc procedure – but the problem still persisted. When I first heard about MAT I was skeptical but figured I had nothing to lose so I gave it a try. From the first treatment I felt immediate relief and it got me back on my feet within a few treatments. Over the years, as I’ve used MAT not just to “fix” myself once the issue has flared up but rather keep my body in balance and functioning well on an ongoing basis, I can honestly say that lower back pain no longer affects my life. I lift weights multiple times per week, do cardio, and sometimes play 36 holes of golf in a day and have not had any back problems. In addition, I notice that my overall mood, sleep, and recovery is improved after a MAT session. MAT will continue to be part of my ongoing routine and I highly recommend Scott”.
Reggie Long - Clubbed Feet
I’ve worked in the fitness industry for over 30 years, as a certified Personal Trainer. I’ve been active my entire life bouncing between different sports such as football, Track & Field, weight lifting, and I even played a stent of semi pro basketball. As I age, I developed the understanding of how important it is to my body feeling good. I’ve used Doctors, Chiropractors Massage Therapists to keep me moving. Through the years I’ve dealt with back, hip, knees, and ankle injuries, but most recently I’ve been battling continuous right knee, hip, and back pain. My wife recommended MAT™ because she noticed a hitch in my gait when I walk. After going through Scott’s MAT™ assessment, I started to realize my right hip pain was stemming from the lack of motion in my feet. I actually forgot to tell Scott, but I was diagnosed with clubbed feet at birth. The issue was “corrected” when I was very young, since I didn’t experience any pain I didn’t think anything of it. I was amazed on how my past injuries/ physical medical interventions still played a huge part in my joint pain. It took me some time for my ankle flexibility to improve, but with consistent MAT™ sessions and strategic exercises we were able to improve my ankle mobility and stability. I no longer experience that same pain and my body is feeling better ever day. What a difference MAT™ has made for me! Thanks Scott!

Carol Mulvihill - Broken Clavicle
I started training with Scott around 9 years ago and I have be doing weight training and MAT with him since. For years I had lower back pain and a pain in the left side of my upper back has been chronically tight and painful.
All of this was affecting my work out so Scott decided to start MAT with me. I noticed immediate relief and we continued on this path until I no longer experienced the back pains. I continue to work out with him and we still do MAT when necessary so I’m not compensating, which was the cause of my upper back pain.
I would recommend MAT to anyone with injuries, chronic pain or those who need tweaking in areas of the body that aren't moving properly well.

Shanna Kirshenblatt - Lower back pain
I am incredibly grateful a former Pilates instructor introduced me to Scott to alleviate lower back pain. My very first session with Scott, he asked me about my goals. I am happy to say I have been able to meet those goals and sustain the improvements through working with Scott over the past three years. He takes a holistic and individualized approach to our sessions to ensure optimal results. Not only has he helped me get to a place where I feel good doing the things I love to and after, he has become a great mentor and friend. I highly recommend working with Scott and using MAT to heal and strengthen any injury or muscular pain.
Anne Cunningham -- Long time client
The day I met Scott at the gym I had just about given up hope of living a normal life. In addition to flat feet, I'd had arthroscopic surgery on my left knee and surgical fusion of two toes on my right foot, all of which left me with a bad limp and chronic pain, despite my regular program of aquatic exercise and weight training. In fact, what I'd learned to do was how to work around my problems instead of directly treating them. Scott
encouraged me to try the MAT approach, and I have made remarkable progress by working with Scott to activate specific muscle groups which were either under-functioning or not functioning at all. As a result, I have less knee pain, I do not limp when I walk, and my Fitbit numbers document much-improved endurance. I recommend MAT to
my friends who are frustrated with their lack of progress in traditional PT programs, since MAT truly has been a life-changer for me. My sessions are always interactive: I count on Scott to devise ways to improve muscle function and I follow through on isometric "homework" and give him regular feedback on my response to treatment. I feel so fortunate to be able to benefit from Scott's incredible perseverance, knowledge, and expertise.
Linda Knott constant Knee Pain
My name is Lynda Knott. In 2012 I was diagnosed with torn meniscus in both of my knees. After surgery to repair them, I underwent physical therapy with the hope it would help me get my mobility back. Unfortunately it did not help. Fortunately my friend Erik, advised me to make an appointment with Scott McWilliam. He said I needed muscle activation technique to get me on the real road to recovery. Thank God I listened to him. I under went therapy once a week for almost two years, getting myself ready to undergo having both of my knees replaced. Because of the MAT, it took me only three weeks of physical therapy after the surgeries to regain all the strength and normalcy back in my knees and legs. Scott McWilliam is the answer to regaining muscle normalcy and it is because of him that my life is back to normal after years of pain.

Andy Adams - Feet bunions
I started with Scott back in 2004 as my personal trainer. We had instant rapport. Since that time Scott has helped me loose and keep of 40lbs. After spending more than 35 years in retain on my feet, things were starting to hurt. I've developed massive bunions on my feet an I needed a different avenue to keep my feet moving so I can continue to do my job. So earlier this year I finally took advantage of the other modality he has committed his life to learn, which was Muscle Activation Techniques™. Almost from day one things began to feel better. now I'm moving better and after each session I'm feeling great. I finally know why he always wanted me to try MAT™. The better my muscles work the better my feet can handle the stresses of my job. I will stay with MAT™ as a integral part of my workouts.

Leslie Walters - Helped hip and neck pain
"I've worked with Scott in many ways since 2009. As a runner and massage Therapist, I put my body through a lot and I'm very selective about who I trust to work on me and my clients. After being hit by a car and later running the Chicago Marathon in 2012, I had nagging hip and neck pain. No amount of chiropractic care, massage, or strength training had managed to completely alleviate the tension or pain. Scott's method is very through and detail oriented. He takes your concerns seriously. Most importantly, I leave MAT sessions with Scott feeling awesome and use my “homework” to maintain the improvements in between sessions."

David Hardin - rehabilitation lower back from motorcycle accident
"For the last three years I have been trying to recover from a horrific motorcycle accident. After spending 5 months partially bed-ridden, 15 months of physical therapy, three times a week, and 20 months of chiropractic visits, twice a week, I was only able to partially recover. No matter how hard I worked, or what methods I followed, I could only get so far. Being a personal trainer and a former professional athlete, this was extremely frustrating and somewhat depressing. Every time I'd try to get back to working out or playing sports my body would respond in a very painful way. Something wasn't right, and while I have 18 years experience in the health & fitness industry, specializing in injury prevention and recovery for the last 10, I couldn't solve my own issues. I've known Scott for over 10 years and always held him in high regards when it came to health & fitness. He recommended I give MAT a chance. Scott's way of thinking and understanding of the body is unparalleled. He quickly started to detect why my body continued to have these issues. In cases like myself, where there's so many things damaged with a web of "causes" and "reasons", he's still able to follow those issues and provide help. Before I started seeing Scott I was desperate and frustrated with not much optimism to return to my former athletic self. Scott has been able to help me see the light at the end of the tunnel. Each time we find something we test and train it and he gives me homework to continue to work on it. One step at a time he's helping me get stronger and more able to do the things I used to do. So far I've been able to start working out again and even run, all without pain. If the pain does come back, Scott has armed me with the knowledge of what exercises to do to fix that pain. And like magic, when I follow his advice, the pain goes away and I can continue my workout! Working with Scott has been life changing and I can trust him to help me get back to my former self. Thanks Scott!"

Sara Weinstock - Gold Gloves boxer
I worked with Scott to get ready for my boxing fight. He helped get my trunk more mobile, and my hips and feet more stable. This meant I was able to have faster torque, and more power to my punches. I was more efficient when running which immensely helped with my cardio conditioning. In the ring, I was light on my feet and could move quickly. Scott was an essential part of my own wellness program to get me win my fight!